
Embedded Programming w/Arduino

Embedded Programming Notes

Arduino Site

Tutorials to Get You Started - Arduino IDE

Tutorials to Get You Started - mBlock


Sample Arduino Code


  1. Wire an LED to the Arduino board. Write a program to blink the LED
  2. Wire a pushbutton and an LED to the Arduino board. Write a program to control the LED using the pushbutton
  3. Wire a servo motor to the Arduino board. Write a program to sweep the servo motor between 0 and 180 degrees
  4. Wire a pushbutton, LED and servo motor to an Arduino board. Write a prograom to perform the following:
    • Start with the LED off
    • When the pushbutton is pressed
      • Turn on the LED
      • Sweep the servomotor between 0 and 90 degree 5 times
      • Turn off the LED