Final Project
- This is an individual capstone project that integrates the range of technologies covered in this module.
- Your project must meet the following requirements:
- The project must include:
- 2D & 3D designed parts
- 3D printed part(s)
- Laser cut part(s)
- an embedded microntroller (e.g. arduino)
- input and output devices that interacts with the user
- embedded program
- Your project must include
- all original design & source code files
- screen capture/photos showing stages in development as well as final product
- System integration/packaging is an important aspect of a final project. All electronics should be neatly mounted and wiring neatly laid out and not simply just thrown together in the case
Group Project
- You may combine with other students to do a larger, more challenging project
- Each member’s portion of the group project must meet the individual project requirements listed above
- You must document the role/task of each member if it is a group project
- Each member of the group must document the overall project on your individual website, with emphasis on your individual contribution to the group project
Project presentation
- Prepare a 1 page (1920 x 1080 pix) poster of your project, showing
- overall project
- technologies used
- group members
- Prepare a 1 minute video (1920 x 1080) documenting your project development process and the final working project
- Complete your final project, tracking your progress:
- what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
- what’s working? what’s not?
- what questions need to be resolved?
- what will happen when?
- what have you learned?
Reminder on Time Management
- Project management
- triage
- documentation during development
- demand- vs supply-side time management
- spiral development, DevOps
- serial vs parallel tasks
- system integration
- finish quality
- Document as you work, do not wait to complete everything before you start your documentation