
Design & Make Cool Gadgets


Participants will learn digital fabrication technologies such as CAD modelling, 3D Printing &Laser Cutting, Electronics and Embedded Programming, which they can then use to design and make cool gadgets & prototypes.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

Course Outline

S/No Day Topic
1 Day 1 (am) Introduction, CAD, 3D modelling & printing
2 Day 1 (pm) Modelling & Design for Laser Cutting, Mission Brief
3 Day 2 (am) Introduction to Electronics & Embedded Programming
4 Day 2 (pm) Monitoring & Controlling the environment
5 Day 3 (am) Mini-project: Design & Fabrication
6 Day 3 (pm) Mini-project: Assembly & Testing, Presentatin & Quiz


Participants will be assessed on the following:


  1. Introduction & Admin Instructions
  2. Fablab Safety & Assessment
  3. Digital Fabrication & Fablab
  4. Computer Aided Design
  5. 3D Printing
  6. Laser Cutting
  7. Embedded Programming
  8. Mini-Project Challenge


Mini-project Examples